Willy Webster's profile

Alphabet Newspaper

Victor Hugo, Alphabet is a Source
This is a newspaper print inspired by the literary work of Victor Hugo, and his poem 'Alphabet is a source', which I used as my sauce for body copy. My theme is inspired by 19th-century decorative type and newsprint due to these being effective forms of visual communication at the time.
This was my first real introduction to Typography at Uni. I had played around with type in the Tarot Card project but in an abstract way. During the Tarot Card brief, I had an opportunity to experiment with small amounts of type, primarily with an abstract form in mind. However, this was my first time formatting a large quantity of text, following the rules and guides of typography. Looking back, I can see many mistakes, but I think it went rather well for my first go.
This project was the last one of the year, leaving most of the work to be done in Lockdown wave 1. Before Covid-19, I lived the 1st year student life of drinking more than working. But during Covid, I ended up having more time to work; this ended up getting me a 1st and showing me that if I fully applied myself, I could achieve higher grades than I have ever achieved in any of my past education endeavours.
The research behind this project truthfully is rather lacklustre. This is still in my non-productive first-year days, where I was unsure how to do and what to do with research; a lot has been learned since then. And I can now safely say you can really tell when a project has good research behind it.
Alphabet Newspaper

Alphabet Newspaper
